Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness featured the MCU debut of America Chavez (played by Xochitl Gomez), however, we have yet to receive word on where the character goes from there. Gomez expresses her hopes for her character getting a major role in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty.
“Not to say that I’m in that movie, but if I were in that movie, I don’t know… I would like to see a very powerful America [Chavez].” Gomez told Deadline, “I mean, I’d like to see… Obviously, in Doctor Strange [in the Multiverse of Madness], she didn’t know what she was doing.”
Gomez added: “She was scared, she was running away, and she didn’t really know how to use her powers. And I think, hopefully, she’s got some— a little bit of training under her belt. So I’d like to see more of a secure America.”
Seeing how powerful America Chavez is in Doctor Strange 2, like Gomez said, a little training wouldn’t hurt to maximize the character’s powers, especially now that the multiverse is becoming more and more prominent in the MCU.
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While Chavez may have helped in defeating the Scarlet Witch, MCU’s new big bad, Kang the Conqueror, is a different story, as shown in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Kang is scarier given that the Ant-Man 3 post-credits even gave MCU fans a little peek into what the Council of Kangs is within the Quantum Realm.
Now, even though Xochitl Gomez is wary of unveiling at America Chavez’ uncertain MCU future, how she would fit into The Kang Dynasty is not far-fetched at all. Her power to kick open star-shaped holes in reality to travel through the multiverse and its alternate realities could pin her as a valuable target for Kang.
Seeing as someone such as the Scarlet Witch managed to take America to take advantage of her powers, Chavez would need the extra training to escape from Kang the Conqueror and his variants this time. Hopefully, we get to see that in the rumored Doctor Strange spinoff featuring Wong training young heroes.
Avengers: The Kang Dynasty is set to premiere on May 2, 2025.