Sponsored Content Policy

The vast majority of the content on Epicstream is written by our team independently of any advertising, sponsorship or corporate interest. However, Epicstream also occasionally works with brands who are interested in sponsoring bespoke articles about their product, services or events.

These articles are authored by our writers, occasionally in collaboration with our partners to obtain the information they need to produce accurate, truthful representations of the products being described. As these features are funded by our partners, they will include external links to their products.

Supported editorial

Articles labelled as supported editorial are funded by a commercial partner, and while they may feature advert links to their products, the editorial is not written to advertise the partner’s products. The subject matter of a supported editorial article will be agreed upon with a funding partner in conjunction with our editorial and marketing teams.

The article is independently created by an Epicstream writer with guidance from an editor, and does not get sent to the partner for approval.

Advertisement features are articles paid for and approved by a commercial partner. The copy will be produced by a member of Epicstream staff who will work with the partner to get the information required to produce the article.

After it is written, it will be sent to the commercial partner for approval. Advertisement features are commercial content. As such, they usually promote a partner’s products and do include advert links.

Affiliate advertising

Affiliate links occasionally appear on Epicstream. To maintain transparency, we always feature a disclaimer at the bottom of any and all articles that include product links to retailers or streaming services.

Deals Standards

We are not paid directly by retailers to promote their deals, and our editorial team will only highlight products that we think our audience will like.

Placing links to retailers makes it easier for our audience to take advantage of these deals, but we do earn a small commission on anything purchased through these links on the retail site. Any and all deals articles that include product links will feature a clear disclaimer.