The Acolyte: Are Mae and Osha Really Twins? What the Finale Revealed to Fans

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Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney+ | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

are mae osha twins
Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney+ | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

Are Mae and Osha really twins in The Acolyte? Considering the odd nature of their birth, the series seems to be hinting at something else entirely, in connection to the witches' coven and how the planet Brendok functioned. Here's what the finale revealed.

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains spoilers for The Acolyte finale, so proceed with caution.

What The Acolyte Flashbacks Unveiled About the Twins

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Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney+ | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

The origins of the twin sisters, Mae and Osha, had long been teased since The Acolyte episode 3 titled Destiny, but the finale pretty much sums up what fans have been suspicious about all along.

Initially, Mother Aniseya revealed that the twins were not created through the traditional means of a present mother and father. Both Aniseya and Koril were the "mothers" of the twins.

Episode 7 titled Choice painted the whole picture that, as Torbin discovered, Osha and Mae were "force sensitive" and possessed the same symbionts. They had been artificially created through unknown means.

In this case, as Sol previously concluded, "Only a vergence could create that type of power, " which would "split one consciousness into two bodies."

So, you've guessed it. The Acolyte episode 8 confirms that Mae and Osha are the same person born through the Force for the "power of two," one that can also be seen when viewers hear their farewell message: You are with me. I am with you. Always one. Born as two.

READ MORE: The Acolyte: Why Did Sol's Lightsaber Change Colors? Kyber Crystal Bleeding Explained

The Acolyte's Finale Switches the Twins' Fates

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Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney+ | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

While Mae set out to take her revenge against the four Jedi that infiltrated their home, planet Brendok, her main goal was not to join the rising Dark Side with Qimir aka The Stranger.

Despite having the opportunity to kill Jedi Master Sol, Mae simply discovers the truth of what he did to Mother Aniseya, leaving Osha to finish the task.

To Osha, she was not willing to give Sol the chance to explain himself and used the Force to choke him.

Sol's lightsaber, which Osha wielded in her hand, transformed from blue to red, indicating that the "fated Acolyte" Qimir had been searching for was her, not Mae.

Mae accepts her fate that she must stay behind to lead the Jedi astray from Qimir and Osha's escape. She essentially handed over the torch to Osha to lean on the Dark Side and fulfill her destiny.

READ NEXT: The Acolyte Season 1 Finale Reveals Vernestra's Connection to Qimir

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