Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory, based on the shōnen manga of Megami-you no Ryoubo-kun by Ikumi Hino, has been recently released as a series by Asread. It belongs to the list of the anime summer slate and since its debut, many have been asking when will it be dubbed in English and if so, when would the viewers expect the release date of the dub.
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory has been a shōnen manga series by Ikumo Hino, released in the Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Shōnen Ace since 2017. To date, it has seven tankōbon volumes, and in 2021, it was proudly announced at the time of the release of the fifth volume that it will be having a television anime series by Asread, forming part of the 2021 Anime SummerSeason slate.
It focuses on the story of Koshi Nagumo who became homeless after his father abandoned him and his home being ravaged by a fire. He came across Mineru who took him in under their roof and gave him food. When he used the bath, he discovered that girls were living in the same place and it was later explained to him by Mineru that the house is the Goddess Dormitory for the students of Seikan Women's University.
As Mineru is their interim dorm mother, she offered Koshi to be their official Dormitory Mother as he was looking for a job, a place to stay, and food for sustenance. He later discovered that the dorm was known for the problems the girls living there made: Mineru having experimented with toxic substances, and Frey dressing and cosplaying people against their will. Koshi would have to take responsibility at such a young age.
The series is directed by Shunsuke Nakashige, written by Masashi Suzuki, characters designed by Maiko Okada, and music composed by Tomoki Kikuya. It releases weekly on HIDIVE with membership costing $4.99 per month, and it is not on the usual streaming giants of Funimation or Crunchyroll.
As for the English dubbed version of the series, there is no confirmation yet from any of the parties involved. No news has been released as regards the matter. (This article would be updated once there would be such.)
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory releases weekly through HIDIVE at 1:05 AM JST/ 9:05 AM PT/ 11:05 AM CT/ 12:05 PM EST/ 5:05 PM BST.