Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Anime Episode 2 RELEASE DATE and TIME, COUNTDOWN, and Where to Watch Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun

Credit: Asread

Credit: Asread

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Based on the shōnen manga of Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun by Ikumi Hino, Asread produced Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory which just had its debut in the anime scene for the summer season. Episode 2 is about to arrive so have the release date and time set on the countdown and see where to watch the new show.

Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory. Read at your own risk!

What happened in Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 1?

In Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 1, Koshi Becomes a Dorm Mother/ The Problem with Mineru and Frey, Koshi Nagumo, a 12-year-old boy, wanders around the city because his house was burned into ashes. He got no one to take care of him and he has literally nothing. He collapsed on the road and a lady took him in telling him she is a researcher.

As they arrive at the house, Koshi finally got some delicious food to eat. He found a written set of rules for Goddess Dormitory. He prepared and bathed only to find women blocking the shower as they wonder who let a boy in. Koshi apologized and Aneta, who cannot handle men, wanted him to get out of the house.

Mineru, the interim dorm mother and a fourth-year student, revealed to Koshi that he is in the Goddess Dormitory of Sikam Women's University. The women there were Kiriya, a sophomore; Frey, a junior; and Serene and Aneta. Mineru was the one who invited them into the house. In the end, Mineru offered Koshi to be the dorm mother.

Where to Watch Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2 with English Subtitles?

Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory is not in the usual anime streaming platforms of Funimation or Crunchyroll. It is officially streaming on HIDIVE and membership costs $4.99 per month where one can watch the shows on their roster.

When is the Release Date of Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2?

Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2, titled The Problem with Kiriya and Serene/ Atena Awakens, will be having its release on July 21, 2021, for the members of HIDIVE. One can also avail of the 30-day trial for free.

When is the Release Time of Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2?

Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2 is slated for release at 1:05 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:

Pacific Time: 9:05 AM PT

Central Time: 11:05 AM CT

Eastern Time: 12:05 PM EST

British Time: 5:05 PM BST

Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2 Countdown

Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 2


Having to live in a house full of older girls would surely be chaotic but since Koshi needs a job and what has been offered to him was not only a salary but also a roof over his head and food to eat, it's something he couldn't say no to. Find out how Koshi would handle them in Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory.

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