The anime adaptation of the manga series of Naoki Yamakawa illustrated by Akinari Nao, Hyakuman no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru is back for another run with Season 2 and it is now on Episode 3 so make sure not to miss anything on I'm Standing on a Million Lives as it takes us on a new adventure, be sure to check here where to watch the series, and have the release date and time on your countdown now.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2. Read at your own risk!
What Happened in I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2?
In I'm Standing on a Million LivesSeason 2 Episode 2, Yana & Ahyu Are Both Väikdam, the leader of the mercenaries, Cantil, picked up both Iu and Keita to join them and it was Kusue, Yuka, and Yosuke who rejected their offer. Yosuke found a new determination to level up with the use of his farming knowledge to find a sustainable way for the islanders to fertilize their crops.
He also found that Yana and Ahyu are both in Väikedaam and they were forced to be there for years already as the orcs have eaten their successors. The villagers were prepared by the mercenaries for an uprising against the orcs and they exclaimed that the reason they hired mercs was to do that very job.
Keita and Iu were both attacked by a mercenary and Cantil retributed easily killing the attacker. While the two were revived, it was revealed that a native islander was the attacker, Thanzamer. A traitor amongst the villagers reported to the orcs. Yosuke, who was working on the field, encountered a wizard rank 10. As the wheel spun, they got a 0.5 chance as it landed on a blacksmith.
Yosuke looked back on his conversation with Kahabell that Jiffon is a weapon maker and he realized that the blacksmith is what they need now. They made an ax and a promise to give weapons fit for Kusue and Yuka as well. And then, the orcs attacked as the night arrived.
Where to Watch I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3 With English Subs Online?
Crunchyroll has the official streaming online of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 with premium users getting the first look at the new episodes of every anime in their roster. The premium account is available for a monthly fee of $5.99 and $59.99 for a year. They release the episodes for free the following week.
When is the Release Date of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3?
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3, titled Can't Be on the Side of Justice, will be having its release on July 24, 2021 for those with a premium access subscription on Crunchyroll. It will be up for free on July 31, 2021.
When is the Release Time of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3?
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3 is scheduled for release at 12:30 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 8:30 AM PT
Central Time: 10:30 AM CT
Eastern Time: 11:30 AM EST
British Time: 3:30 PM BST
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3 Countdown
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 3
With the orcs attacking the village, what would happen next? Will Yosuke find a weapon fit for them to save the villagers? Let's see on the next episode of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2!