The finale of the isekai anime series adaptation of Youhei Tasamura's manga series, Meikyuu Black Company, concludes the run of Kinji and the ending perfectly fits the character as he finally reached the goals he had, not as originally planned, but as he went through the world he got transported into. Season 2 is yet to be confirmed but The Dungeon of Black Company beautifully wrapped up its first run.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for The Dungeon of Black Company. Read at your own risk!
The Dungeon of Black Company Ending Explained
In The Dungeon of Black Company Episode 12, Good Day, Goodbye, Kinji got arrested and it is for the crime he committed before being rich as Belza manipulated Shia to go and testify against him. Kinji was considered as a potential threat to humanity and he was tortured to extract what he knows, a confession, however, he resisted.
Shia went to him and healed his wounds after realizing that she has been manipulated all this time. The Ant Queen remembered thatKinji used to write some kind of a manual for such a kind of an emergency. After one month, Belza became Raiza'ha's Director, however, shocked to find out that Kinji was released and more than that, he would be the CEO.
Wanibe opened up that in following the manual of Kinji, they got Raiza'ha's 40% of stocks and got the owners convinced to give them another 15% for support, therefore, they now have the majority of stocks of Raiza'ha, making it absorbed into the company of Kinji and Belza now works under him with Ranga in the improvement of their family relationship.
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Even when Kinji was victorious, he still felt unhappy, and Ranga became concerned about his behavior and revealed that Kinji originated from Japan and he has a plan to return there. However, Kinji himself confirmed that he is happier to reach a goal after winning and instead of going back to his life in Japan, he would just expand the company by taking over dungeons until he would control all of it in the whole world.
Kinji is really fixed on the goal of being extremely rich, however, in his life in Japan, he would not work anymore and live the laidback life of a rich person. In this one, though, he is persevering and he wants to take over all the dungeons in the whole world.
The finale of The Dungeon of Black Company is now streaming on Funimation.