An unconventional isekai fantasy anime is here with The Dungeon of Black Company, also known as Meikyuu Black Company, based on the manga series of Youhei Yasamura, following the story of Kinji Ninomiya. With only a few episodes left, here is what we expect to happen after the end of season 1 and will there be a season 2.
It follows the story of Kinji Ninomiya, a NEET, who wanted to earn money via a real-estate investment. His goal is to have a penthouse lifestyle without working at all. However, he was transported into a portal and into a fantasy world where he is enslaved by a mining company extracting crystals in some sort of dungeon. Experiencing poverty, he wants to make his own company in the process.
Mirai Minato holds the direction of The Dungeon of Black Company with the series composition of Deko Akao. Katsuyuki Konishi, Misaki Kuno, and Hiro Shimono form part of the main cast as Kinji, Rimu, and Wanibe, respectively.
Officially streaming online through Funimation in its original Japanese audio with English subtitles, The Dungeon of Black Company can be accessed one week earlier for those with premium access subscribers for the price of $5.99 per month or $59.99 a year. To those who have no premium access subscription, the episodes would have a release date for free the week after.
There is no confirmation yet as regards the English dubbed version of the show. Given the DVD and Blu-Ray information of the official site, The Dungeon of Black Company has 12 episodes all in all where the finale would be airing sometime in September.
Will There Be a Season 2 of The Dungeon of Black Company?
There is no news nor confirmation yet whether there would be a season 2 for The Dungeon of Black Company and it will all depend on the factors of the material existing to which it is based on and the viewership of the show which proves to be strong. Looking at both, it could be considered that there is a high chance for the show to have another run. (This article would be updated once there would be any news as regards this matter.)
The Dungeon of Black Company releases new episodes weekly on Funimation at 10:30 PM JST/ 6:30 AM PT/ 8:30 AM CT/ 9:30 AM EST/ 2:30 PM BST.