The anime adaptation of the action role-playing game of Bandai Namco is now crossing over to the second part of its cour and it will carry through it the story of Yuito and the rest of the gang in their pursuit of going against the OSF. The show is far from over and Scarlet Nexus Episode 14 is about to arrive so have the release date and time set on your countdown now and see where to watch the series.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Scarlet Nexus. Read at your own risk!
What happened in Scarlet Nexus Episode 13?
In Scarlet NexusEpisode 13, The Design Children, the team of Yuito is about to be hijacked and it would be by the main computer of Thorn. Kasane's team, on the other hand, has been forced to fight in a pursuit that is all-powerful. The two teams get reunited after such a long time of being apart and they shared how much they learned. Kagerou, however, has a surprise for everyone.
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Where to Watch Scarlet Nexus Episode 14 with English Subtitles?
Scarlet Nexus and its 26 episodes can be streamed online through Funimation in its original Japanese audio with English subtitles. Premium access subscribers get first dibs on the episodes for the rate of $5.99 per month or $59.99 a year but for those without such, no need to worry as it would come out for free the following week.
When is the Release Date of Scarlet Nexus Episode 14?
Scarlet Nexus Episode 14, titled A 2000-Year Ambition, will be having its release on September 30, 2021, for the premium access subscribers of Funimation before it would be out for those waiting for it to come out for free. It would be having a free release and it will be on October 7, 2021. The great news is that Funimation already announced that starting August 5, the English dubbed version of the show would start airing.
When is the Release Time of Scarlet Nexus Episode 14?
Scarlet Nexus Episode 14 is slated for release at 10:30 PM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 6:30 AM PT
Central Time: 8:30 AM CT
Eastern Time: 9:30 AM EST
British Time: 2:30 PM BST
Scarlet Nexus Episode 14 Countdown
A surprise like that just makes everyone's jaw drop. What could that possibly be? Scarlet Nexus is now entering the second part of its cour, in completion of all its episodes, and the action and revelations will definitely get more and more exciting as the show continues to unfold its secrets. Tune in next week for another episode!