Asread-produced anime adaptation of the shÅnen manga Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun by Ikumi Hino passed the middle of its season and it's getting more complicated for Koshi as he took on the role in Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory. With things starting to pick up the pace, Episode 6 is here with the release date and time you can check on your countdown and check where to watch the show.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory. Read at your own risk!
What happened in Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5?
In Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5, Serene the Shut-in/ The Goddess Dormitory Goes on Vacation, Serene feels uneasy and her mind is on a vacation from her source of power, the moon, and everyone created their own safe zones with the moon items. For Frey, however, the moon-themed anime costume was rejected.
Mineru accidentally used the moon-themed aphrodisiac on Frey and Kirya tried to teach Serene of the moon-themed Tai-chi, but Serene became tired. Atena gave an umbrella with a moon print, and Koshi washed the jacket of Serene, the one she calls her moon robe. That made her feel better and she visited Koshi giving him a kiss while he was asleep.
As they were in a hotel, Atena admitted to organizing the vacation to be able to apologize to Sutea. Mineru sneaked into the bath while Koshi was there but it was Atena who became exposed, all naked, and Koshi got a nose bleed. All of them slept in the room of Koshi while naked, but Atena went out. Mineru and Koshi went in on an adventure trying to go to the haunted section of the hotel.
Mineru's moment with Koshi made him think if she has a lust or fear of ghosts. Atena almost planted a kiss on Koshi and they were caught by Serene and Mineru. The next day, Frey wanted to go to the beach with all of them.
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Where to Watch Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6 with English Subtitles?
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory and all its 10 episodes could be found streaming online through HIDIVE, not in the usual anime streaming platforms of Funimation or Crunchyroll. The membership costs $4.99 per month where one can watch the shows in their library.
When is the Release Date of Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6?
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6, titled Sutea Ponders About the Sea/ Koushi Makes His Cosplay Debut, is expected to have its release on August 18, 2021, for the members of HIDIVE. One can also avail of the 30-day trial for free to watch the anime series but once the period is over, the membership fee must be paid monthly. No confirmation yet for the English dubbed version.
When is the Release Time of Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6?
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6 is slated for release at 1:05 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 9:05 AM PT
Central Time: 11:05 AM CT
Eastern Time: 12:05 PM EST
British Time: 5:05 PM BST
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6 Countdown
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 6
Now, that is some messed-up vacation and to think that Koshi was technically younger than all of them, right? It's getting weirder and weirder, more complicated than ever. Find out what happens next on Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory!