The anime adaptation of Asread on the shÅnen manga Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun by Ikumi Hino is about to reach the middle of its first season with Episode 5 underway on the story of Koshi in the Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory. As the anime series gets more and more interesting, be sure to check where to watch it and secure the release date and time on your countdown.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory. Read at your own risk!
What happened in Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 4?
In Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 4, A Childhood Friend Visits the Dorm/ Koushi Goes Undercover at a Women's College, as the whereabouts of Koshi has been determined, the classmate and childhood friend he has, Korono, paid him a visit and it staying in the living room.
Meanwhile, Sutea arrived at the Mother of the Goddess Dormitory is one living quarter she could trust. One of the girls living in the goddess dormitory who studies in the school is the childhood friend of Sutea and she is now at the mercy of an old friend. With visitors like them, what would happen next, right?
Where to Watch Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5 with English Subtitles?
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory and all its 10 episodes could be found streaming online through HIDIVE, not in the usual anime streaming platforms of Funimation or Crunchyroll. The membership costs $4.99 per month where one can watch the shows in their library.
When is the Release Date of Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5?
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5 is expected to have its release on August 11, 2021, for the members of HIDIVE. One can also avail of the 30-day trial for free to watch the anime series but once the period is over, the membership fee must be paid monthly. No news yet as to the English dubbed version of the show.
When is the Release Time of Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5?
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5 is slated for release at 1:05 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 9:05 AM PT
Central Time: 11:05 AM CT
Eastern Time: 12:05 PM EST
British Time: 5:05 PM BST
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5 Countdown
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory Episode 5
These kinds of visits surely make the dormitory and the relationship of the girls with Koshi interesting especially knowing that Sutea seems like looking at the place to stay. Let's see what happens next on Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory!