The Kingdoms of Ruin is a dark fantasy anime that revolves around a war between the human race and the witches. The main protagonist in The Kingdoms of Ruin is Adonis, and here’s what we know about him, including his background, powers, and relationships.
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Who Is Adonis in The Kingdoms of Ruin?
Adonis is a human who was raised by the Ice Witch, Chloe. When he was younger, Chloe found him on the streets and decided to take him in.
She also taught him how to use magic. The witches did not approve of Chloe’s actions, so they cast her out.
When the Witch Hunt began, Adonis and Chloe went into hiding, traveling from one place to another.
Unfortunately, Redian soldiers found them, and they were later teleported to the capital of the Redia Empire.
Emperor Goethe killed Chloe in front of Adonis, and he was then put into captivity. Adonis then vows revenge against humanity.
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What Are Adonis’ Powers and Abilities?
Adonis uses the Written-Style Summoning Magic, which is the only way for non-witches to use magic.
The Written-Style Summoning Magic grants one the ability to manifest their will and thoughts as a physical presence. But what one can materialize will depend on the person’s degree of competence.
As the witch Ophelia Clementine explains, the Written-Style Summoning Magic is versatile, and if one can master it, then they can materialize anything with their thoughts – including memories.
With his magic, Adonis can summon a giant robot, two giant Gatling guns, and a gigantic sword.
Adonis can also enlarge objects, as seen in the second episode where he shoots a bullet and makes it bigger.
During his attack on the city, Adonis was able to stop bullets from coming to him and turn them around, using those bullets to fire back at the Redian soldiers who attacked him.
The Written-Style Summoning Magic is said to be difficult to master and will require a skilled mentor, which Adonis had. A special quill is also needed.
Adonis’ quill was crafted by Chloe. His quill is made of a magic-imbued feather of a phoenix, a golden handle, and an eye of a red dragon.
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Adonis’ Relationship With Other Characters in The Kingdoms of Ruin
Adonis despises humans because of what happened to Chloe. But he also does not deem witches his allies either, especially after learning the reason behind their plan to resurrect Chloe.
The witch Doroka, however, becomes Adonis’ ally. Adonis meets Doroka after she saves him from Redian captivity.
Doroka dies, but she does not stay dead because Adonis chooses to resurrect her instead of Chloe. After such, Adonis and Doroka start traveling together.
They have different motives, with Adonis wanting revenge, and Doroka wanting peace.
Adonis is primarily interested in Doroka’s power, the Love Magic, which could bind men to her will.
Adonis thinks that Doroka’s powers will be useful in his revenge. But later on, Adonis also starts caring for her.
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