The Kingdoms of Ruin is a dark fantasy anime that revolves around a war between magic and science. It follows Adonis, a human raised by a witch who swears revenge on the human race, and Doroka, a witch who wants peace between humanity and witches. But do Adonis and Doroka end up together in The Kingdoms of Ruin?
Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers from The Kingdoms of Ruin manga!
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The Kingdoms of Ruin: A Dark Fantasy Revenge Thriller
The Kingdoms of Ruin is set in a world where humanity once co-existed with witches. God created witches to guide humans.
The humans depended on the witches, and humanity flourished through the power of magic. But the humans also came to fear the witches.
Later on, an advanced scientific revolution rendered the powers of a witch unnecessary.
Because of their advanced technology and scientific progress, the humans became confident and their fear of witches disappeared.
The greatest nation in the world began a witch hunt to eliminate all the witches in the land.
Among the victims of the brutal witch hunt is Chloe, a powerful ice witch who raised the human Adonis and taught him magic.
After being forced to watch his mentor die, Adonis swears revenge against the human race.
Along the way, he meets Doroka, a witch who hopes to stop the cycle of violence.
READ MORE: Who Dies and Who Survives in The Kingdoms of Ruin?
Adonis and Dorokaās Relationship in The Kingdoms of Ruin, Explained
Doroka starts traveling with Adonis after she rescues him from Redian captivity. However, both of them do not get along, mostly because they share different views.
Adonis is focused on getting revenge and doesnāt hesitate to kill anyone who gets in the way. However, Doroka believes that violence isnāt the answer.
Despite Adonisā coldness, Doroka sees good in him. She also believed that Adonis, a human raised by a witch, could be the bridge between the humans and the witches.
On Adonisā part, heās primarily interested in Dorokaās power, the Love Magic, which can bind men to her will. The Love Magic allows her to manipulate men by making them fall in love with her.
Adonis believes that Doroka's power can help him in his revenge. But later on, Adonis starts caring for her.
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Do Adonis and Doroka End Up Together?
Since The Kingdoms of Ruin manga is currently ongoing, it is uncertain yet if they ultimately end up together. However, it seems that things are leading there.
Throughout their journey so far, Adonis and Doroka are often mistaken as a couple. And despite having different motives, Adonis and Doroka slowly become closer.
Adonis also starts caring for Doroka. This is made clear when Doroka loses her eyes after a fight with Shirousagi.
Adonis promises to have her vision restored and later decides to sacrifice one of his eyes so that she can see again. Adonis also says that he should have done so sooner.
When Adonis realizes that heās getting closer to Doroka, he becomes conflicted about it and reminds himself that Doroka is merely someone he needs for his revenge.
However, while Adonisā goal is getting revenge, itās clear that his heart begins to soften along the way.
But as of writing, Adonis and Doroka are not in a romantic relationship. We have yet to see if they do end up together and become a couple in the future.
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