The Kingdoms of Ruin is a dark fantasy anime that revolves around a war between magic and science. After witnessing the death of his mentor, the powerful Ice Witch Chloe, Adonis swears revenge against the human race. So, who are the voice actors for the anime, and where might you have heard them before? Meet the voice cast of The Kingdoms of Ruin!
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Who Is Adonis’ Voice Actor?
Adonis is the main protagonist in The Kingdoms of Ruin. After witnessing the death of his mentor, Chloe, Adonis vows revenge on the human race.
Adonis uses the Written-Style Summoning Magic, versatile magic, which, depending on his degree of competence, allows him to materialize anything with his thoughts.
The character is voiced by Kaito Ishikawa, who also voices Naofumi Iwatani in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Tobio Kageyama in Haikyuu!!, and Tenya Iida in My Hero Academia.
In The Kingdoms of Ruin’s English dub, Adonis is voiced by Ben Stegmair (Friedrich Norstein in The Legendary Hero Is Dead).
Who Is Doroka’s Voice Actor?
Doroka is a witch who wishes for peace between the humans and the witches. She saves Adonis from Redian captivity. Doroka possesses the Love Magic, which can bind men to her will.
The character is voiced by Azumi Waki, who also voices Rei Saiga/Psyger-0 in Shangri-La Frontier.
In the English dub, Doroka’s voice actor is Alexis Tipton (Kaguya Shinomiya in Kaguya-sama: Love Is War).
Who Is Chloe’s Voice Actor?
Chloe was a powerful Ice Witch and Adonis’ mentor. Chloe is voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi (Bao Huang in One Piece). In the English dub, the character is voiced by Morgan Lauré (Aki Adagaki in Masamune-kun's Revenge).
Who Is Yamato’s Voice Actor?
General Yamato is the Chief of the National Security Bureau. The character is voiced by Satoshi Hino (Kyōjurō Rengoku in Demon Slayer and Daichi Sawamura in Haikyuu!!).
Who Is Yuki’s Voice Actor?
Director Yuki is the Deputy Chief of the National Security Bureau and the younger sister of General Yamato. Yuki’s voice actor is Hikaru Tono (Serena in Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale).
Who Is Emperor Goethe’s Voice Actor?
Goethe is the 23rd Emperor of the Redia Empire and a villain in The Kingdoms of Ruin.
Goethe’s goal is to eradicate all witches, as he thinks that humans should not depend on them and be at their mercy. Goethe is the one who killed Chloe.
The character is voiced by Jiro Saito (Theo Magath in Attack on Titan). In the English dub, Goethe is voiced by R Bruce Elliott (Whitebeard in One Piece).
Who Is Oz Gorgeous' Voice Actor?
Chief Oz Gorgeous of the National Intelligence Agency is a supporting character in the series who was voiced by Junya Ikeda (Millions Knives in Trigun Stampede).
Following Ikeda’s arrest, The Kingdoms of Ruin announced that he will be replaced with a new voice actor.
The new voice actor for Oz Gorgeous is Anri Katsu. Katsu voiced Nile Dok in Attack on Titan, Arugo in Guilty Crown, and Hideki Tama in Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0.
What About the Rest of The Kingdoms of Ruin’s Japanese Voice Cast?
Other voice actors of The Kingdoms of Ruin include:
- Rie Takahashi (Kamiya Kaoru in Rurouni Kenshin) as Anna
- Kishō Taniyama (Jean in Attack on Titan) as Shirousagi
- Miyu Tomita (Karane Inda in The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You) as Charmy
- Yuki Sakakihara (Robota in Lycoris Recoil) as Eekhout
- Yōko Hikasa (Arthur Pencilgon/Towa Amane in Shangri-La Frontier) as Director Theta
Who Are the Voice Actors for The Kingdoms of Ruin’s English Dub?
The English dub for the first episode of The Kingdoms of Ruin premiered on Crunchyroll on October 20, 2023.
Alongside the premiere, Crunchyroll also revealed the anime's English dub voice actors, and they are:
- Ben Stegmair (Friedrich Norstein in The Legendary Hero Is Dead) as Adonis
- Morgan Lauré (Aki Adagaki in Masamune-kun's Revenge) as Chloe
- Alexis Tipton (Kaguya Shinomiya in Kaguya-sama: Love Is War) as Doroka
- Brittney Karbowski (Chuatury Panlunch in Gundam: Witch from Mercury) as Young Adonis
- R Bruce Elliott (Whitebeard in One Piece) as Goethe
- Kiba Walker (Manabu in Tomodachi Game) as Palpol
- Naya Moreno (Cathy in Sugar Apple Fairy Tale) as Anna
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