Who Dies and Who Survives in Ishura? Kill Count So Far

Who Dies in Ishura
Credit: Passione

Who Dies in Ishura
Credit: Passione

Ishura is no stranger to character deaths, mainly because it is set in a fantasy world where two factions are at war. Among the characters, who dies and who survives in Ishura? Here’s the current kill count.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for the Ishura anime, so proceed with caution.

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Who Dies in Ishura? Kill Count So Far

The first on the list of shuras to go is Higuare the Pelagic. The mandrake’s death proves that no one is safe. Higuare dies in the series, despite his strong background and combat prowess.

How did this happen? Well, Kuze the Passing Disaster and his angel, Nastique the Quiet Singer, were around the area when Higuare unleashed a poison in the air that could kill anyone.

It wasn't Kia the World Word who killed Higuare despite her Word Arts prowess. It was actually Nastique who silently ended Higuare’s life because the mandrake threatened Kuze’s safety.

Who Dies in Ishura
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Credit: Passione

So far, Higuare is the only casualty among the shuras in the series, but we’re speculating that there will be more to come given the situation.

Whoever loses between Alus the Star Runner and Regnejee the Wings of Sunset in the succeeding episodes will most likely be added to the kill count.

As the war between Aureatia and Lithia intensifies, character deaths will be inevitable.

Several people already perished in the series, including Lucelles, who was Yuno’s friend, as did the wyverns that Alus and Nihilo the Vortical Stampede effortlessly eliminated.

Not to mention Vikeon the Smoldering Dragon, who earlier died in the anime.

We will update this article once more character deaths are confirmed.

Who Survives in Ishura? Characters' Current Status

Who Dies in Ishura
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Credit: Passione

Soujirou the Willow Sword and Shalk the Sound Slicer didn’t end up killing each other, as revealed in episode 8.

However, Soujirou’s whereabouts are unknown, but what is certain is that he’s somewhere safe in the fantasy world.

Meanwhile, Lana the Moon Tempest successfully escapes from prison and from Elea the Red Tag, who wants her dead.

Elea plans to kill anyone who knows about Kia, so Lana needs to avoid her at all costs.

Dakai the Magpie, on the other hand, holds Yuno against her will after the latter rode a horse to Lithia with Higuare.

Harghent the Still and Hidow the Clamp are also alive, despite the situation in Mage City.

Lastly, Taren the Guarded still aims to conquer the world with fear once she wins the fight against Aureatia.

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