Shangri-La Frontier is an action, adventure, and fantasy anime series with a video game theme that focuses on Rakuro Hizutome, better known by his in-game name Sunraku. The anime adaptation is still ongoing, but is the Shangri-La Frontier manga over?
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What Is Sunraku's Story in Shangri-La Frontier?
Rakuro Hizutome, or simply Sunraku in his in-game name, is known as a “trash-game hunter."
He gladly collects trashy games that are universally dated to experience the stress, frustration, and overall hard work of beating them.
He can play half-finished and rushed clumsy games with graphics and systems that are far behind the times.
In exchange, Sunraku’s skills and abilities are unlike any other when he plays triple-A games that have no broken AI allies, no enemies that attack in unreasonable ways, and no bugs and glitches of different kinds.
One day, Sunraku decides to play a game called Shangri-La Frontier, which is the complete opposite of a trashy game.
It has 30 million registered players and boasts a full-dive VR game. It is also the hottest game, which people often refer to as a “god game.”
Not only did the game break world records, but it also has the most active players in the world.
Sunraku opted to go for a dual-sword mercenary character in the role of a wanderer.
He starts wearing a staring bird mask to cover the face of his character, with no top, gauntlet, armor, or anything else in her body. He believes that he needs to invest in a good weapon first instead of good armor, after all.
Will Sunraku be able to beat the game like he always does?
Is the Shangri-la Frontier Manga Over? How Many Chapters Are There So Far?
The Shangri-La Frontier manga is not yet over as of writing. It is still ongoing since it began serialization on July 15, 2020.
Shangri-La Frontier was originally a Japanese web novel series that started serialization on the Shosetsuka ni Naro novel publishing website in 2017.
It later inspired a manga adaptation illustrated by Ryosuke Fuji in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine.
So far, Shangri-La Frontier has a total of 16 manga volumes, spread across 170 chapters. It has nine story arcs, from the Lycagon’s Marking arc down to the very latest Abyss City Part 2 arc.
The Shangri-La Frontier manga is available to read on the official English website of Kodansha.
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