What Is Bahamut in Shangri-La Frontier? Significance Explained

What Is Bahamut in Shangri La Frontier? Meaning Explained Rakuro
Credit: C2C

What Is Bahamut in Shangri La Frontier? Meaning Explained Rakuro
Credit: C2C

Shangri-La Frontier (SLF) episode 19 showcased Setsuna of the Bygone Days informing Rakuro Hizutome, Arthur Pencilgon, and Katzo about the Bahamut. But what exactly is Bahamut in Shangri-La Frontier?

Let’s dive into the world of mythology to learn more about this mystical creature.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Shangri-La Frontier, so proceed with caution.

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What Is Bahamut in Mythology?

In the Arabian mythology, Bahamut is a massive fish that supports the earth.

According to Zakariya al-Qazwini, an Iranian cosmographer, Bahamut is a creature residing deep beneath the earth’s surface. It provides foundational support for the world.

It is believed that the earth is upheld by an angel standing upon a gemstone slab, which in turn is supported by the cosmic ox known as Kuyutha.

Bahamut carries this ox upon its back, being suspended in water to maintain stability.

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What Does Bahamut Mean in Shangri-La Frontier?

Setsuna Shangri-La Frontier
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In Shangri-La Frontier episode 19, Setsuna of the Bygone Days appeared after Wethermon’s defeat at the hands of Rakuro.

She revealed that she is the replica created by the real Setsuna to assist Wethermon in finding peace, hence earning her the title – Setsuna of Bygone Days.

She explained that she was meant to disappear once her role was fulfilled. Before disappearing, she told Arthur and the rest that they were pioneers and the descendants of the Second Plan.

She added that their existence was to open this world. Setsuna further stated that if they wish to know about their roots and the truth of this world, they must look for Bahamut.

Arthur Shangri-La Frontier
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During the episode, it is revealed that Bahamut is a big fish that people treat like a giant dragon because of its sheer size.

However, the trio was confused about the context of Bahamut in the game.

Arthur noted that there was no monster in SLF named Bahamut. Then Arthur asked Setsuna to delve deeper into Bahamut.

However, Setsuna said that they should seek that answer on their own because that’s what throwing open the future is all about.

Then, in episode 20, Arthur starts from Level 1 and bids goodbye to Setsuna before leaving to look for Bahamut.

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