Dragon Ball Super is the follow-up to the massively popular shonen manga series Dragon Ball. With the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga currently in production, readers frequently inquire about the Dragon Ball Super manga release schedule for new chapters.
With the release of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero in June 2022, things are heating up for the franchise.
While the release date for Dragon Ball Super Season 2 has yet to be confirmed, fans can read the Dragon Ball Super manga in the meantime.
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About the Dragon Ball Super Manga
The Dragon Ball Super manga is written by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou, who previously worked on the Resurrection F film adaptation.
As of this writing, the Dragon Ball Super manga has 84 chapters divided into 18 tankobon volumes.
On June 20, 2015, it began serialization in Shueisha's monthly shonen magazine, V Jump. Fortunately, VIZ Media publishes the manga in English print on the Manga Plus online platform and mobile app.
The Dragon Ball Super manga follows the events that occurred after Majin Buu was defeated ten years ago. As a sequel, the manga follows Goku and his friends as they face new enemies and allies.
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Dragon Ball Super Manga Release Schedule: When Do New Chapters Come Out?
The Dragon Ball Super Manga is released on a monthly basis. Technically, new chapters are released on or before the 20th of each month.
As of this writing, the manga's releases have been consistent with its schedule, with no delays or gaps in between.
The final chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga was, at the time of writing, Chapter 84, which was previously released on the Viz website on May 19, 2022.
Meanwhile, Dragon Ball Super Chapter 85 will be available on June 20, 2022, at 12:00 AM JST.
The Dragon Ball Super manga is also available on Manga Plus, in addition to the VIZ website.
Dragon Ball Super Manga Vs Anime: Which is Better?
For a better experience, the Dragon Ball Super manga takes the trophy away from the anime. Not only is the manga far ahead of the anime, but it also does an excellent job of providing readers with logic.
In any case, both materials have advantages and disadvantages. The Black Arc, for example, is much better in the anime than in the manga, owing to Toyotarou dragging the arc out for quite a long time.
On the contrary, power scaling is a little messed up in the anime, whereas it is much more layered in the manga. One disadvantage of the Dragon Ball Super manga was that it skipped the Resurrection F arc as well as the fast-paced Tournament of Power arc.
Regardless, many members of the community believe that you can begin reading the manga in Chapter 42, where Dragon Ball Super Season 1 ended.
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