Looking for where to watch Dragon Ball Super in July 2022?
Dragon Ball Super, the sequel to Dragon Ball Z, follows the adventures of Goku and friends during the years after the defeat of Majin Buu. The 131-episode anime series ran from 2015 to 2018, and although Season 2 hasn't been announced yet, the popular shonen franchise by Akira Toriyama and artist Toyotarou has been getting more fans with re-runs of Dragon Ball Super as well as various streaming services making all episodes available to stream on-demand.
After all, according to our recent report, executive producer Akio Iyoku teased that "something other than the movie" will be arriving later this year, so you may want to catch up on the latest information on where to watch Dragon Ball Super.
If you're wondering where to watch all 131 episodes of Dragon Ball Super, this article will cover the best (and legal) streaming platforms where you can watch them.
While various TV channels are broadcasting re-runs of Dragon Ball Super worldwide, including Cartoon Network's Toonami, there are different streaming services you can use to stream all episodes of Dragon Ball Super on-demand, so check out the best ones here:
All episodes of Dragon Ball Super are available to stream for free on the site. If you don't have premium subscription, you have to watch it in standard definition, and there are ads, but you can watch for free.
If you want the best viewing experience in Crunchyroll, you can upgrade to a premium subscription that will let you watch all episodes with no ads, and you can watch in HD. Crunchyroll's premium subscription costs $7.99/month after the 14-day free trial.
Hulu also has all episodes of Dragon Ball Super in its streaming library, and you can watch via Hulu on almost any streaming device. The subscription costs $5.99/month. There is also a free trial available for new users.
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Is Dragon Ball Super available to stream on Netflix?
Dragon Ball Super is currently not available to stream on Netflix in the United States and other regions, so if you want to watch this anime series, you will need to subscribe to one of the streaming services mentioned above.
Netflix already released a list of what's coming to its streaming service in July 2022, and unfortunately, Dragon Ball Super is not included, so don't expect this anime series to arrive on Netflix anytime soon.
Can you watch Dragon Ball Super on YouTube?
While full Dragon Ball Super episodes are not officially uploaded directly on YouTube, you can check out YouTubeTV, which includes the Cartoon Network channel. As English dub viewers probably know by now, Cartoon Network's Toonami regularly airs the English dub version of Dragon Ball Super.
YouTubeTV costs $14.99 per month, but new users can try it for free for a limited time.
Is Dragon Ball Super available to stream on Amazon Prime Video?
Yes, Dragon Ball Super is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video but you will need to purchase the episodes to watch them. The streaming service divides all the episodes into 8 different seasons, and you can purchase each season for $26.99 each, or $2.99 per episode.
Is Dragon Ball Super on Adult Swim?
Yes, you can catch all 131 episodes of Dragon Ball Super on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, so if you have cable, this is a good option.
Is Dragon Ball Super available to stream on Vudu?
Currently, only Dragon Ball Super films are available to stream on Vudu. You can buy or rent both Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection of F and Dragon Ball Super: Broly in the streaming platform. Each movie costs $9.99 to purchase, and $2.99 to rent.
FYI: the terrible live-action movie Dragon Ball: Evolution is also available to strema on Vudu, but who wants to see that garbage?
Related:Dragon Ball Super Officially Confirmed For Jump Festa This Year; Is Season 2 Coming?