The anime series of Dr. Stone: Stone Wars revolves around the genius boy, Senku Ishigami, who emerged from his stone enclosure and aims to do the same to the rest of humankind trapped in their stones after a mysterious light hit modern Earth some 3,700 years ago turning all living beings into stone.
When Senku got out of his stone, he discovers the Stone World, a literal stone age 4.0, where only a few made it out of their enclosures. However, not all share the same vision that Senku has. He encounters Tsukasa Shihiou who believes that life on Earth is only for the fittest and only those should be given the chance to survive.
A divide is made in humanity as there is the Kingdom of Science and Ishigami village who tries to bring back the planet to its prime modernity through science and the Tsukasa Empire who believes in the survival of the fittest.
While the Kingdom of Science is thriving in bringing some remnants of the modern world back to life in the stone world, the Tsukasa Empire only grows in numbers. Senku and the Kingdom of Science prepare for their attack on the Tsukasa Empire in order to defeat the army and proceed with their mission of saving the rest of the human race still in their stones.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars is the second season which has 11 episodes lined up. It is produced by TMS Entertainment and is based on the Japanese shÅnen manga of the same name by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi.
The manga series of Dr. Stone is divided into various arcs and Sagas: The Prologue Saga, Ishigami Village Saga, Stone Wars Saga, Source of the Petrification Saga, and The Truth Of The Petrification Saga. This season of Dr. Stone follows the Stone Wars Saga.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Dr. Stone: Stone Wars. Read at your own risk!
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 7 Recap
The seventh episode of Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 is titled Secret Mission where Chrome relies on his scientific knowledge in outsmarting his prison guard, Yang, a former police officer, and Chrome successfully escapes and performs a jailbreak of his own.
Gen and the other are steadily increasing their friends in their fake Lillian strategy using their reinvented mobile phones. This is for Gen's plan in gathering their own allies from the Tsukasa Empire itself in hopes that they would be revolting against the empire and would be joining the pursuit of the Kingdom of Science.
However, Hakyo, who is known for having an unusually good hearing, hears the song in the record and discovered that the voice is just disguised as a fake by Gen. Hakyo witnessed the secret mission of Mori to the absolute desperate Chiku and team. Because of this, Hakyo offered a deal with them.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 8 Where to Watch with English Subtitles
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars is under the umbrella of the partnership of Funimation and Crunchyroll, therefore, it is available on both streaming websites for distribution across various locations on the planet. AnimeLab, as well, streams Dr. Stone: Stone Wars for those living in Australia and New Zealand.
Funimation and AnimeLab hosts the stream in an English simuldub where the English dubbed version of the series is simultaneously released with the original Japanese broadcast. As for Crunchyroll, it offers the series the original Japanese audio with English subtitles.
Funimation and Crunchyroll offer earlier streaming of a whole week for their premium subscribers and airs the episodes for free the following week. The premium subscription on Funimation is for the price of $5.99 per month while for Crunchyroll, it costs $7.99 per month.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 8 Release Date and Release Time
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 8 will be airing on March 5, 2021, for the premium subscribers of either Funimation or Crunchyroll at 10:30 PM JST/ 8:30 PM EST. At the same time, the previous episode, Secret Mission, will be airing for free on the streaming platforms.
For those who have yet to subscribe for premium on either Funimation or Crunchyroll, it would be streaming the following week on March 12, 2021, at the same release time.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 8 Countdown
In one week's time, Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 8 will be arriving on the screens of the premium subscribers of either Funimation or Crunchyroll, at the same time, for those who have yet to subscribe premium, Episode 7 will be released as well for free. This would mean that for non-subscribers, the eighth episode will be available in two weeks.
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