The TMS Entertainment produced anime series based on the Japanese ShÅnen manga of the same name by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi, Dr. Stone: Stone Wars, revolves around the genius boy, Senku Ishigami who emerged from petrification seeks to do the same for the rest of humanity.
Senku was petrified among all living beings when a mysterious light hit the planet and turned everyone to stone some 3,700 years ago. When Senku got out of his stone, he wakes up into a "Stone World" where not all are out of their stones yet.
While Senku looks for ways on how to bring back the world from the way it was before, he encountered Tsukasa Shishiou who believes that only the fittest should be de-petrified and taken out of their stones.
Dr. Stone is currently in its second season and will be having 11 episodes in total. It will be focusing on the Stone Wars arc of the manga where Senku and his allies prepare for their attack on the Tsukasa Empire.
Senku reinvented a cellular phone model for the Ishigami Village and the whole Kingdom of Science is getting ready for their goal to recruit the members of the Tsukasa army to their side and fight for their same cause. However, while the Kingdom of Science perfects their inventions, the empire grows more.
Senku and the Kingdom of Science must defeat Tsukasa and his army to be able to proceed with their vision of taking the human race out of their stone prisons.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Dr. Stone: Stone Wars. Read at your own risk!
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 6 Recap
In the sixth episode of Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2, Chrome is imprisoned by the Tsukasa army in a cell made of bamboo bars. Surrounding his cell are various traps put up by Tsukasa's men when they realized that Senku was making a steam engine to release Chrome.
Chrome, while in his cell, plans to escape on his own as he reminds himself that he is a science user. While Yang is put on watch, Chrome starts to collect materials for his own jailbreak. On the other hand, Senku and his allies remodeled the steam engine to a tank with the strongest of the defense.
A deadly jailbreak is impending betting of the pride of the scientific messenger as there happens to be the last-minute change in plans. Chrome will be relying on science to escape and show him his way out.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 7 Where to Watch with English Subtitles
Both Funimation and Crunchyroll offer Dr. Stone: Stone Wars. AnimeLab, as well, hosts the stream of the series for New Zealand and Australia. In case you're wondering what's the difference between the stream of the series in the abovementioned streaming platforms, Funimation and AnimeLab offer the English simuldub version of the show.
The English simuldub version is the English dubbed version of the series that is simultaneously released as that of the original Japanese broadcast. For Crunchyroll, it gives the viewers the original Japanese audio paired with English Subtitles.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 7 Release Date and Release Time
Episode 7 of Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 will be titled Secret Mission and will be airing on February 25, 2021, 10:30 PM JST/ 8:30 PM EST for the premium users of Funimation and Crunchyroll. With this, the premium subscribers have a week off earlier viewing before the show is released for free the following week.
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 Episode 7 Countdown
As of the time of writing, there are six days left before the next episode of Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Season 2 and we get to know what the Secret Mission will be all about.
For those who have yet to subscribe, it would take another week for the free viewing of the next episode but fret not because the sixth episode will be available to you in six days.
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