XBOX Games With Gold April 2021 CONFIRMED Games Revealed! Vikings: Wolves of Midgard, Truck Racing Championship, Dark Void, and Hard Corps: Uprising!

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It's almost here! March is nearly over, which means Microsoft will be revealing the April 2021 Games with Gold lineup very shortly!

March 2021 Games with Gold brought us Warface: Breakout, Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse (what a name!), Metal Slug 3, and Port Royale 3. Of those, only Meta Slug 3 was ever even reviewed by sites like IGN, which gave it a modest 7.4. A rather humbug of a month for Games with Gold if you ask me.

Here was Microsoft's reveal of The March GWG Lineup:

Will April bring us some bigger, badder, and more impressive titles? Read on to find out!

UPDATE: April 2021 Games with Gold Lineup Confirmed

XBOX Games With Gold April 2021 Release Date & Time

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Based on previous release date patterns, we are expecting the Games With Gold announcement to drop today, March 30th. So stay tuned! The reveal could be happening at any moment. Last month the reveal occurred at 5:00 PM US Eastern Time. We expect the reveal announcement to happen on the official XBOX Twitter.

XBOX Games With Gold April 2021 Predictions

March 2021 was a rather mediocre and unimpressive list of games, so many Xbox fans are hoping for better titles in April's 2021 predictions.

Given that Sony has added allstar titles like the Final Fantasy 7 remake to PS Plus in March and might be adding Civilization VI in April, Microsoft is under some pressure to include better titles to April 2021's GWG lineup.

Xbox recently acquired Bethesda, which has lead to speculation that Games With Gold may include impressive titles like Doom Eternal and Fallout 4. While others may speculate for these titles, we think their addition would be unlikely anytime soon, considering they are AAA titles and are well above what Games with Gold have been adding recently.

Some titles fans are hoping and predicting for which we think could be included are:

- Zoo Tycoon
- Titanfall
- Forza 5
- Dead Rising 3
- Ryse
- Battlefield 4
- Need for Speed: Rivals

Those would certainly be a welcome addition to Games With Gold for April 2021 and a huge improvement over March's lineup.

XBOX Games With Gold April 2021 Confirmed Games

It was confirmed on March 30 that Vikings: Wolves of Midgard, Truck Racing Championship, Darkvoid, and Hard Corps Uprising will be included in April's Games With Gold.

Are you excited for the impending arrival of April 2021's Games with Gold for Xbox? Leave us a comment below to let us know.