Why Simon Kinberg Spoiled The Big X-Men: Dark Phoenix Death

When X-Men: Dark Phoenix started making the media rounds, many were shocked to see one of the trailers seemingly spoil a huge death. As if that wasn't enough, director Simon Kinberg decided to double down on that and essentially confirm who would be dying in an interview, claiming that it would be the catalyst for this whole movie. Fans were a bit irritated by this so Kinberg has decided to explain himself once again.


During an interview with CBR, Kinberg decided to give a proper explanation as to why they decided to spoil the death of Mystique, played by Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence. The character was treated like a big deal in the last two films, so the fact that they are using her death as a marketing tactic is odd. Kinberg claims that they spoiled this so that fans would know that this isn't a typical X-Men movie.

"I think that one of the things that is true of this movie, and we wanted people to know going into the movie is that it's a different kind of X-Men movie.It's not an X-Men movie where people get knocked down and stand up immediately. It's an X-Men movie where it's more real, it's grittier. I'd say it's more dangerous."

Honestly, it's still an odd decision on the part of Fox and Kinberg, though many are assuming that it's being done since this will be the last X-Men movie from the studio before we see them in the MCU. Let's hope that the movie is good because everyone is pretty underwhelmed with the film thus far.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix comes out on June 6.

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