Fluffy Paradise opens the Winter 2024 anime season with the cutest and brightest heroine, Nefertima “Nema” Osfe, who lives an isekai life full of fluffiness! Get to know more about Nema, including her age and story, in this article.
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Who Is Nema From Fluffy Paradise?
Nema is the main protagonist of Fluffy Paradise, who lives a life full of fluff in the Kingdom of Gashe, Rashia, within the parallel world of Asdyllon.
When she was still in the real world, Nema’s name was Midori Akitsu. Her life was cut short when she overworked herself to death. Sadly, she died alone in her apartment complex, face flat on the floor.
Thankfully, Midori gets another chance in life thanks to a strange person whom she believes is God.
This God asked for her help in Asdyllon to determine whether humanity can continue to exist due to their cruelty toward other races.
Midori accepts responsibility in exchange for having a unique power. Unlike other characters who prefer to have the power of teleportation or invisibility, Midori wants to have a new life full of fluff!
The strange god immediately granted Midori’s wish, and she began to live a life in Asdyllon, where animals and creatures alike adore her, except humans.
Now known as Nefertima “Nema” Osfe, she lives with her new ducal family.
She has a brother named Ralph, a sister named Karna, a caring mother, and a handsome father. She also has a new dog named Dee, who adores her the most.
How Old Is Nema in Fluffy Paradise?
In the isekai world, Nema is already three years old. She began her life in Asdyllon as a baby, not as a three-year-old girl.
When Nema was still Midori Akitsu in the real world, she was only 27 years old when she died.
What Is Nema’s Story in the Fluffy Paradise Anime So Far?
In the first episode of Fluffy Paradise, Nema’s family dotes on her a lot. She lives her life to the fullest, surrounded by fluffy animals and, of course, her loving family.
One day, Nema encounters the heavenly beast (sky tiger) Lars, who takes a liking to her. As a heavenly beast, Lars is also a spirit user who’s not supposed to be with anyone but his master, Prince Wilherd.
Eventually, Prince Wilherd spotted Nema, who was enjoying the company of Lars.
He took Nema into the palace in the belief that she had lost her way in finding his father. Then, Nema met the King of Gashe, who invited her to come and visit Lars once again.
Later, Nema came to her brother and sister’s school for Parents’ Day. She watched Ralph and Karna’s presentations, and she also encountered Prince Wilherd, who also came not as royalty but as a student.
However, Nema also encounters Tristan, an arrogant noble who tries to raise his hand over her. Thanks to Prince Wilherd, Tristan was scolded, and Nema was unharmed.
Karna summons a flaming dragon during her presentation toward the end of the Fluffy Paradise anime.
Nema, as an animal and creature lover, ran as fast as she could to protect the blazed dragon and stop anyone who wanted to harm it.
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