The Winter 2024 anime season begins with yet another slice of life and isekai anime titled Fluffy Paradise. It is based on the light novel series, I’ll Try My Best So I Can Pet and Pat in Another World, written by Himawari. It inspired a manga adaptation with illustrations courtesy of Yuriko Takagami. Here’s where to read the Fluffy Paradise manga online.
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What Is The Plot of Fluffy Paradise?
Midori, a 27-year-old regular employee, had her life cut short after overworking herself. Except for the absence of Truck-kun, that sounds like a typical isekai series, right?
Before heading into the light, Midori meets a strange person whom she believes is God. He requested Midori's assistance in the parallel world of Asdylon, where humans persecute other races. Midori's duty is to be reincarnated in Asdylon and assess whether humanity is worthy of survival.
As thanks, God will bestow on Midori any power she desires. Instead of the power of teleportation, or a special kind of offensive and defensive power, Midori wanted to have a life full of fluffiness.
Midori's lifelong desire has always been to pat and pet fluffy creatures all day, and nothing can change her mind. Her wish was granted, but God warned her that she would be loved by all races except humans.
Thus, Midori is reincarnated in Asdylon as Osfe Nefeltima, nicknamed Nema, the third in succession in the kingdom of Gashe, Rashia, the largest continent out of a total of three.
She has a new family as well: Ralph, her calm and quiet brother; Carna, her vivacious sister; Dii, the family dog; and her caring mother and attractive father.
Unlike other kids, Nema is always surrounded by animals. They love being around Nema, including the heavenly tiger, Ras!
Now, Nema’s parents suspect that she has some kind of special power!
So, Where to Read the Fluffy Paradise Manga Online?
The only place online where you can read the Fluffy Paradise manga is on the official website of Coolmic. The first chapter of the manga is available to read for free, but you need to have a subscription account to access the succeeding chapters.
So far, all 167 chapters of the Fluffy Paradise manga are available to read on the Coolmic website. It is advisable to make bundle purchases to unlock the rest of the manga chapters. One chapter requires five tickets, and the prices of these tickets range from $1 to $100.
The Fluffy Paradise manga has 12 volumes and is still ongoing, with no signs of ending anytime soon.
Meanwhile, the Fluffy Paradise light novel series is available on the official website of Cross Infinite World. The light novel has 15 volumes, with the 16th arriving on January 10, 2024.
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