Bibliophile Princess is originally a light novel series illustrated by Satsuki Shiina and written by Yui. It received a manga adaptation, and eventually, Madhouse decided to adapt the light novel and manga into an anime, which will debut in October 2022. So, where can fans watch Bibliophile Princess?
The anime is set to air on October 6, 2022, on BS NTV, Kansai TV, Tokyo MX, and AT-X.
Sentai Filmworks acquired the license to the series in the same way that J-Novel Club acquired the license to release the light novel and manga in North America.
Where to Watch Bibliophile Princess: Is It on Crunchyroll?
While Crunchyroll has added a lot of new titles from the Fall 2022 lineup including Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family Part 2, and My Hero Academia Season 6, it appears that Bibliophile Princess is not part of its offerings.
As it turns out, Crunchyroll subscribers might have to look for other options to watch the anime for now.
Where to Watch Bibliophile Princess: Is It on Netflix?
Since Crunchyroll did not add Bibliophile Princess to its library, some fans might have been hoping that it would be available on Netflix instead.
However, that doesn't seem to be the case for the anime as Netflix will not be streaming Bibliophile Princess anytime soon.
Anime fans who are subscribed to Netflix need not worry as there are various other anime that will be available on the platform this Fall season.
Some of these anime are Romantic Killer and Spy x Family Part 2.
Where to Watch Bibliophile Princess: Is It on HIDIVE?
HIDIVE will exclusively release Bibliophile Princess on September 26, 2022.
Non-members can take advantage of the streaming platform's 7-day free trial to watch Bibliophile Princess and other anime like Vermeil in Gold.
After that, interested viewers will have to sign up to continue watching their preferred HIDIVE series.
The global platform offers a simulcast feature so that subscribers can watch their favorite show approximately an hour after it airs in Japan.
HIDIVE also offers an English dubbed version for other anime.
However, as of writing, there is still no announcement on whether Bibliophile Princess will be available for simulcast or if it will get an English dubbed version.
For now, viewers will have to wait for further news and updates about the anime.