Where to Read the Hell’s Paradise Manga

Where to Read the Hell’s Paradise Manga After the Anime
Credit: MAPPA

Where to Read the Hell’s Paradise Manga After the Anime
Credit: MAPPA

With Hell's Paradise Season 1 coming to an end, many fans want to find out how the story ends by reading the manga. If you're one of them, here's where to start reading Hell's Paradise after the anime!

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Which Arcs Does the Hell's Paradise Anime Cover?

Which Manga Arcs Does the Hell's Paradise Anime Cover
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Credit: MAPPA

Season 1 of Hell's Paradise covers about half of the manga content, which equals two arcs. In total, Hell's Paradise comprises four arcs.

Of these, we've seen the Introduction arc, aka all events before arrival to the island, and the Lord Tensen arc, which features every main character, their backstory, and their encounter with at least one villain.

The remaining two arcs are the Horai arc; where the surviving Asaemons and convicts band together to defeat the Tensens and get out of the island; and the self-explanatory Departure arc.

Where to Start the Hell's Paradise Manga After the Anime

Where to Start Reading the Hell's Paradise Manga After the Anime
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Credit: MAPPA

If you've finished watching the anime and would rather skip what has already been adapted, we would recommend starting from Chapter 60.

This chapter marks the beginning of the Horai arc. Everyone is now gathered in the center of the island, where most of its paranormal activity happens.

The exciting arc will feature unlikely alliances, and of course, many more monsters and epic battles as the characters march towards freedom -- or death.

Is It Ok to Skip the Manga Chapters the Anime Adapts?

Can I Skip the Manga Chapter That the Manga Adapts
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Credit: MAPPA

The MAPPA adaptation of Hell's Paradise is quite detailed and faithful to the source material so you can theoretically skip the first two arcs and read directly from the Horai arc if you don't have much time.

That being said, the anime did have to condense a few elements and delete some scenes, so we would recommend reading the manga at the beginning if you can.

Yuji Kaku's manga is wonderfully creepy and dark. If this is your cup of tea, you have nothing to lose by reading it all.

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How Many Chapters and Volumes Does Hell's Paradise Have?

How Many Chapters and Volumes Does Hell's Paradise Have
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Credit: MAPPA

Hell's Paradise has just 127 chapters which are collected in 13 volumes.

Compared to other shounen manga and anime, Hell's Paradise -- a completed manga -- manages to tell a complete story in little space.

As such, it shouldn't be difficult at all for newcomers to catch up, even if they start at the beginning.

The third member of the dark trio of shounen anime isn't all that intimidating to get into, and the experience is worth it.

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