The Detective Is Already Dead follows the story of Kimihiko Kimizuka who became an assistant to a self-proclaimed legendary detective named Siesta. Kimihiko is naturally drawn to trouble which also led him to meet her.
For three years, the two of them worked together to solve mysteries and other cases. One day, Kimihiko unexpectedly received a case after he stopped working with Siesta. He was surprised that he is called the detective but he remembered that Siesta is no longer around. The series now tackles what happened in the past, and there might be hints on the relationship between Kimihiko and Siesta.
What Is the Real Score Between Kimihiko and Siesta in The Detective Is Already Dead?
Since Episode 1, fans already had a hint that there might be a potential romance between the two characters. There was even a scene wherein they pretended to be a married couple which made fans realize that there might be more to their relationship.
Episode 5 made an obvious hint when Siesta started flirting with him. She emphasized that if he has feelings for her, he should confess to her before another person does it. In Episode 6, Siesta showed how much she cared about him by doing everything she can to help him, even if it meant injuring herself. Kimihiko was of course concerned and feared that he would lose her. Siesta teased him that he should propose.
By Episode 7, it has been confirmed that something happened between the two of them. Siesta got drunk which encouraged her to confess her feelings. She also made sexual advances, and he didn’t mind at the moment. What happened that night was confirmed the next day when Siesta found herself undressed and Kimihiko ashamed.
Siesta couldn’t remember what happened at first but after seeing her state and his actions, she decided that it would be better if he forgot about it. She tried to erase his memory with a drug but failed.
The revelation gave fans an idea that Siesta and Kimihiko are more than just partners in the past. This might also indicate Nagisa, who now has Siesta’s heart, might end up having feelings for Kimihiko.
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