The Detective Is Already Dead follows Kimihiko Kimizuka who was once a sidekick of Siesta, a legendary detective. The two of them worked together in solving cases and other mysteries. Through Siesta, Kimihiko discovered the underworld organizations. The two of them solved cases for three years.
In the present time, Kimihiko found himself solving new cases and he is now called the detective since Siesta is already dead. Kimihiko decided to take these cases and met Nagisa who claims herself as a legendary detective, surprising him. It was later revealed that Siesta donated her heart to Nagisa to cheat death.
Is Siesta Really Dead and Does She Get Revived in The Detective is Already Dead Anime?
Siesta did die in the series but those who have read the light novel would know that she would be back to life by Volume 5. Since the anime is still ongoing, it would be hard to determine if it would follow the light novel or have a different approach to the story.
As far as what anime fans know, Siesta did donate her heart to Nagisa that caused her to die. But eventually, in the light novel, her heart will return to her body. It appeared that even if her heart was separated from her body, it was her consciousness so when it was returned to her, she was brought back to life. This was possible because of the seed she stole from SPES.
Who is Siesta?
For those who have not watched the series yet, Siesta is the heroine of The Detective is Already Dead. She is the detective being referred to in the title. To be honest, Siesta is a code name. As a detective, Siesta also has a main weapon which is a musket gun, and “Seven Tools” which have a unique power each.
She also has athletic and physical abilities that are far better than average humans. She has proven this when she carried Kimihiko while running. This made Kimihiko think that she might be an android. Aside from height which is 163 cm and weight which is 102lb, other information about Siesta like her age and nationality are unknown.
Want to know what happened to Siesta? Get the latest updates on the series here.