Watch Robot Chicken’s Take on the Thanos Snap


With Thanos wiping out half the population of the universe in Avengers: Infinity War, we only really get to see a bottled look at the ramifications in Endgame. What’s funny is, Robot Chicken has released their take on the other people who were ‘snapped’ away at the worst possible time.

Check it out:



It’s just a silly take on the scene, but you can’t help imagine what the worst possible times to vanish are in the MCU.

If anything, Marvel kind of just tiptoes on the effects of The Decimation, and we only get bits and pieces of how terrible everything turned out in the five-year time jump. We also had a chance to explore it with Spider-Man: Far from Home, but they mostly just played off everyone disappearing and reappearing five years later as a joke.

While I doubt that Marvel will ever go to a dark direction and give us a look at the world post-Snap, I think fans can check out HBO’s The Leftovers for a more realistic, dark take on how the world would deal with the sudden disappearance of a huge chunk of the population. I’m sure there are some plotholes that need to be filled, but at least it’s an interesting show on its own.

For now, the MCU will be undergoing a huge delay thanks to the Coronavirus, and Phase 4 will be kicking off in November rather than its original May premiere.

Catch Black Widow when it hits theaters Nov. 6.

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