Watch Batman Interact With Other Batmen in How Spider-Man Should Have Ended

Sony and the team behind Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse did a lot of things right with the Oscar-winning animated film but there are some choices that could have made Miles Morales' life easier and he could have saved his uncle, The Prowler (played by Mahershala Ali). Thankfully, the YouTube channel How It Should Have Ended shows us those alternate scenarios in the How Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Should Have Ended video. 

We get to see Wilson Fisk interact with the Harry Potter villain, Voldemort, get a traditional diner scene with Batman and Superman, and see other scenes recreated from the film but the highlight of this video is seeing Batman interact with the other Batmen. It's one of the funniest from HISHE. Watch it above. 

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