As a response to the Genie backlash from the Aladdin teaser, Disney has opted to release the first teaser for Frozen II to appease the fans. What’s cool is, Jeeves Williams has edited the theme from Avengers over the promo and it fits ridiculously well.
Check it out:
What’s also funny is that he’s also made an alternate cut of the Avengers: Endgame trailer with the instrumental from Let It Go. It doesn’t work as well as the previous video, but it’s still pretty funny:
I have to admit, Frozen II wasn’t one of the films I was looking forward to this year, but the trailer had a real epic feel to it. I guess it’s just some leftover cringe from the short that came out with Coco back in 2017.
Plus, with the first Frozen coming out back in 2013, the kids who fell in love with the film are well into their teenage years. It would make sense for Disney to try and mature the story a bit—much like Dreamworks did with their How to Train Your Dragon franchise.
Disney sure did some great damage control with the release of the new teaser. At this point, all the Genie memes are being drowned out as people start getting hyped for Frozen II. Hopefully, this will buy the CG artists some time to improve on the look of the Genie so we could get a better appearance of him in the first full trailer.
Catch Frozen II in theaters Nov. 22.
See Also: The Aladdin Backlash is What Caused Frozen II Trailer to be Released Early