Warning: if you haven't seen the latest episode of WandaVision yet, this news contains major SPOILERS so read at your own risk.
The shocking return of Pietro Maximoff on the previous episode of WandaVision blew us all away but Evan Peters' true involvement in the show still remains a mystery to a lot of fans, especially considering his version of the character seems to hint that he's up to no good.
In Episode 6, Pietro officially makes his grand comeback as part of the Maximoff-Vision household, and to put it simply, he seems to have a knack for ticking people off and that includes Wanda herself. This version of Pietro is night and day compared to the one we saw in Avengers: Age of Ultron and his eccentric behavior totally raises a lot of questions which Wanda chooses to sway off.
Speaking of Pietro's new attitude, later in the episode, when he, Wanda, and the kids went out to participate in Westview's Halloween festivities, Pietro delivered an intriguing line that a lot of you may have probably missed the first time around. Just as Tommy and Billy were preparing to do some Trick or Trick-ing, "Uncle P" told the twins: "unleash hell, demon spawns!"
It may seem like a regular line for some viewers but avid readers of the comics know that "Pietro" could be hinting at the Maximoff twins' connection to Mephisto. For the uninitiated, Wanda created Billy and Tommy by using the villain's life essence which gave the kids souls. Mephisto would later reabsorb the twins and they would cease to exist.
It's no secret that WandaVision draws massive inspiration from several comic book storylines and while it's not 100% faithful to its source material, it still pretty much follows the structure of the comics, and if you happen to have read the essentials, you pretty much have an idea of what's going on and what's about to go down.
The latest episode of WandaVision is now streaming on Disney+.
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