Using a promising name from its manga series, the anime adaptation of Tokyo Revengers continues to do justice with every episode making it an incredibly amazing anime series captivating fans and viewers with the do-over of Takemichi's life. in a few days, Episode 7 will be up so jot down the release date and time on your countdown, and be sure to tune in.
A 24-episode run has been given to Tokyo Revengers to bring the pages of the manga series of Ken Wakui to the screens. The shÅnen manga has just bagged the 44th Kodansha Manga Award under the shÅnen category in 2020 and it goes to show that the title is just getting started in its anime adaptation, it even has a live-action film which is expected to be released this year.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Tokyo Revengers! Read at your own risk!
What happened in Tokyo Revengers Episode 6?
In Tokyo Revengers Episode 6, Regret, a conflict between Moebius and the Tokyo Revengers puts a divide in Shinjuku. The Tokyo Revengers now has a close friend with the captain Haruki Hayashida but said person was attacked.
Naoto informs Takemichi about the death of Draken which is one of an internal conflict within the Tokyo Revengers, not one against Moebius. Takemichi finds out what happens that fateful day. Takemichi returns to the present and he finds out the truth from the president of Aimi, Nobutaka Nagauchi.
Where to Watch Tokyo Revengers Episode 7 With English Subs Online?
All the episodes of Tokyo Revengers will be available for streaming online via Crunchyroll which could have the episodes for the premium access subscribers one week before the release for free to the general public. The premium access subscription costs $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year. An English dubbed version has also been confirmed by Crunchyroll for this anime series.
When is the Release Date of Tokyo Revengers Episode 7?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 7, titled Revive, is scheduled for release on May 22, 2021 for those with an active subscription to the premiere access through Crunchyroll. The same date will be the release date of the previous episode. Episode 7 will have its free release on May 29, 2021.
When is the Release Time of Tokyo Revengers Episode 7?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 7 is scheduled for release at 2:07 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 11:07 AM PT
Central Time: 1:07 PM CT
Eastern Time: 2:07 PM EST
British Time: 7:07 PM BST
Tokyo Revengers Episode 7 Countdown
What happens between the Tokyo Revengers and Aimi? How will Takemichi handle this and possibly change the past from what he learns in the present day? Find out next week in another episode of Tokyo Revengers.
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