The manga series of Ken Wakui is making noise as the anime of the name arrives with Episode 12 in another thrilling run on Takemichi's travel back in time in hopes of saving Hinata from death and re-write the future through the past. Tokyo Revengers is here with the release date and time so have your countdown set to make sure you don't miss anything!
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Tokyo Revengers! Read at your own risk!
What happened in Tokyo Revengers Episode 11?
In Tokyo Revengers Episode 11, Respect, we see Takemichi getting obsessed about defeating Kiyomasa and company, and he is joined by Akun and his friends because they have the same enemy. They also look out to protect Draken, who is still unconscious, until the ambulance arrives.
The Tokyo Revengers and Aimi Aimi are still settling the brawl and in between the battle with Mikey, a new alliance was born with the most vicious runaway of Kanto region, the Baeryu Hara, who left after announcing that he would be vice president.
Where to Watch Tokyo Revengers Episode 12 With English Subs Online?
Tokyo Revengers is available online for streaming through Crunchyroll where you can have a choice whether to watch it in its original Japanese audio with English subtitles or the English dubbed version. Should you wish to access the episodes a week earlier than the free release, you can have by simply subscribing to the premium access for the price of $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year.
When is the Release Date of Tokyo Revengers Episode 12?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 12, titled Revenge, will be having its release on June 26, 2021 for all those with a premium access subscription on Crunchyroll, at the same time, the previous episode will be online for free. The episode is slated for free release on July 3, 2021.
When is the Release Time of Tokyo Revengers Episode 12?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 12 is scheduled for release at 2:07 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 11:07 AM PT
Central Time: 1:07 PM CT
Eastern Time: 2:07 PM EST
British Time: 7:07 PM BST
Tokyo Revengers Episode 12 Countdown
As Draken's life hangs on the balance, Takemichi along with Akun and his friends would be doing anything just to save him. With the arrival of the alliance of Baeryu Hara, a whole new twist is expected to arrive so make sure you don't miss the next episode by tuning in next week on Tokyo Revengers!
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