Based on the manga series of Ken Wakui, we follow Takemichi's travel to the past in order to rewrite the future focusing on how to save Hinata from her death. Now, we get episode 11 of Tokyo Revengers with the release date and time that you can now put on your countdown.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Tokyo Revengers! Read at your own risk!
What happened in Tokyo Revengers Episode 10?
In Tokyo Revengers Episode 10, Rerise, Draken gets a stab from Kiyomasa while the scuffle is happening between Aimi Aimi and the Tokyo Revengers. They were up against the leadership of Shuji Hanma, the provisional president, and as chaos ensues, Mikey runs to Draken who is down on the ground, in pain, and unable to move.
Draken's life hangs on the balance and he was left to Takemichi. However, Kiyomasa isn't done just yet, while Takemichi was waiting for the ambulance for the injured Draken, Kiyomasa and company blocks them. In his efforts to protect Draken, Takemichi makes a more and bravely calls for another Thaiman game to Kiyomasa.
Where to Watch Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 With English Subs Online?
The original Japanese audio with English subtitles and the English dubbedversion of Tokyo Revengers are both available to stream online on Crunchyroll. Those premium access subscription of $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year get to see the episodes first before those who access it for free the following week.
When is the Release Date of Tokyo Revengers Episode 11?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 is slated for release to Crunchyroll premium subscribers on June 19, 2021. At the same time, the previous episode will be up for free. The general public would have the free release of Episode 11 on June 26, 2021.
When is the Release Time of Tokyo Revengers Episode 11?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 is scheduled for release at 2:07 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 11:07 AM PT
Central Time: 1:07 PM CT
Eastern Time: 2:07 PM EST
British Time: 7:07 PM BST
Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 Countdown
The survival of Draken is important to rewriting the past to change the future. Will Takemichi be successful in saving him? Find out next week in another episode of Tokyo Revengers!
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