Takemichi Hanagaki is set to return as Tokyo Revengers receives a new sequel, presumably a season 4 adaptation of the Bonten arc of the manga series.
Along with the announcement, a new fairy tale mini-anime titled Fairy Tale Revengers has also been revealed.
It’s been six months since Tokyo Revengers season 3 ended, leaving many fans eager for updates about the anime series' fate.
Tokyo Revengers Gets Anime Sequel: Is Season 4 in the Works?
As part of the 4th-anniversary celebration of the Tokyo Revengers anime, the Matsudo Training event held in Japan revealed that Tokyo Revengers is getting an anime sequel, but its format and release date are still undetermined.
The event also unveiled a key visual showing a furious but wounded Takemichi Hanagaki in Toman uniform as he holds the back of Manjiro “Mikey” Sano’s head, as shown below:
Although the term "season 4" was not explicitly used, the visual as well as the announcement video released for Tokyo Revengers’ new sequel suggest that it will likely pick up where the third season left off.
Following the third season’s adaptation of the Tenjiku arc, the fourth season of Tokyo Revengers, if it does get confirmed, will likely adapt the Bonten arc of the manga series, where Mikey and Takemichi are crucial to the storyline.
While the key visual seemingly suggests Takemichi’s attempt to pull Mikey from the dark and rewrite his future, the announcement video summed up the events that happened in the series thus far, potentially setting up the plot for season 4.
What to Expect from Tokyo Revengers’ Fairy Tale Mini Anime
In addition to the sequel announcement, Tokyo Revengers is also inspiring a mini-anime called Fairy Tale Revengers (Douwa Revenger)!
Fairy Tale Revengers will take fan-favorite characters to star in various fairy tale stories that will surely delight fans of the action-packed delinquent series.
The first installment of Fairy Tale Revengers is titled Momotaro, which tells the story of a young boy born from a peach.
Fairy Tale Revengers will be a departure from the action-packed and emotionally captivating story of the main series, as it is poised to be a cute mini-anime where everything is almost possible to happen.
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