The Rising of the Shield Hero anime is based on a light novel series written by Aneko Yusagi. As of June 2019, 22 volumes of the light novel have been published. So, when is the twenty-third volume coming out? Here’s what we know so far about the release date for The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 23!
The Rising of the Shield Hero was originally published as a web novel in Shōsetsuka ni Narō.
The light novel is a professional rewrite of the web novel by the same author, with an expanded storyline. The light novel series was then adapted into a manga series.
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The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 23 Release Date
As of writing, there is no official release date yet for Volume 23 of The Rising of the Shield Hero light novel.
We have had news so far about the spinoff novel, The Reprise of the Spear Hero, the fourth volume of which was released last September 2023, but none yet regarding Volume 23's release date.
No new volumes of The Rising of the Shield Hero light novel have been published since 2019, and there is no official explanation for such.
The twenty-second volume ended on a cliffhanger, and many fans believe that the light novel should have more volumes before it comes to an end.
It's also widely believed that the author is still working on the series and that the next volume will eventually come.
But for now, there have been no official announcements regarding the release date for Volume 23.
We will be updating this page once a release date for Volume 23 of The Rising of the Shield Hero light novel is confirmed.
READ MORE: Naofumi’s Strongest Shields in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ranked
Where to Read The Rising of the Shield Hero Light Novel
You may be able to purchase the digital version of The Rising of the Shield Hero light novel on Amazon Kindle, Google Play, BookWalker, Apple Books, Kobo, Nook, and Booktopia.
Fans who prefer reading physical copies of the light novel can purchase the volumes in paperback format.
You can purchase physical copies of The Rising of the Shield Hero light novel on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Right Stuf Anime, and Booktopia.
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