Asian drama fans already know the name Park Seo-joon and the 32-year-old actor has been making waves in the world of K-Drama. Turns out, the South Korean actor is set to go global as he reportedly landed a lucrative deal with no less than Marvel Studios to appear in an upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film. The project in question is the Captain Marvel sequel titled The Marvels which will be headlined by Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, and Iman Vellani.
Several Korean entertainment websites such as koreaboo and Soompi reported last month that the rising Korean actor and star of the hit drama Itaewon Class which is a sure-fire hit on Netflix will in fact be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe project in a mystery role. After the news broke out, Seo-joon's talent agency Awesome ENT chose not to give a comment when asked about the casting rumors.
Now, according to the latest rumors, the actor has been cast as Amadeus Cho in the film. To those unaware, Amadeus is a Korean-American scientist who transforms into a version of The Hulk called Brawn. At one point in the comics, he even becomes the official successor to Bruce Banner's Hulk mantle. He's also one of the key members of the Young Avengers and the Agents of Atlas.
Also Read: Will There Be A Season 2 Of Itaewon Class?
It's already no secret that the MCU has been championing representation for years now so the door will always be open for a guy like Park Seo-joon to join the billion-dollar franchise. If the rumors of him playing Brawn are actually true, then Marvel Studios must see something special in him, and given how huge of a role Amadeus Cho is, it's safe to assume that he could be sticking around in the MCU much longer than we initially expected.
The Marvels is scheduled to hit cinemas in 2022.
The Marvels: K-Drama Actor Park Seo-joon Rumored to Play a Version of The Hulk
Asian drama fans already know the name Park Seo-joon and the 32-year-old actor has been making wa...