Over the weekend, Disney's live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid dropped the official trailer of the movie and it featured Halle Bailey's Ariel singing her heart out the classic tunes of the film including the iconic "Part of Your World."
Another Disney princess is coming to life as the live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid is arriving soon in theaters and during the Oscars, the official trailer of the movie has been released featuring a stunning VFX galore of bringing under the sea to life.
The trailer starts with the rough seas giving a ship a shake where Prince Eric helms the crew through what seems like a storm in the middle of the ocean. Upon crashing on a rock, he calls to abandon the ship.
Prince Eric drowns but fortunately, Ariel is there to save him from his demise, bringing the prince safely to the shore. Then, men from the palace come charging as they look for the prince. Ariel escapes them in time as she glances one last time before heading into the ocean.
As Ariel returns, her father, King Triton, awaits, then reprimands her for breaking one of their rules of not going to the above world. Ariel explains that she saved a life of a drowning man but all she had from her father was for her to stop obsessing about humans.
It cuts to Prince Eric wanting to know more about mermaids, then Ariel, going to Ursula who offers her a deal that is too good to be true. Ursula casts a spell on Ariel where she finally gets her feet.
READ MORE: The Little Mermaid Unveils New Poster and Announces Official Trailer Release Date
Still mesmerized, Ariel's friend, Scuttle seems to try to understand the situation and Sebastian tells Scuttle that Ariel got legs. Then, it shows a montage of Ariel's life under water, a performance with the sea creatures, then some clips of her adventure on land.
It cuts back to when King Triton was reprimanding her, telling her that the prince is human and Ariel is a mermaid, but Ariel fights back telling her father that just because it is like that, doesn't mean they are already enemies.
The trailer is enough for everyone to have a glimpse of what The Little Mermaid would be about and some clips on the classic songs of the movie with Halle Bailey singing her heart out as Ariel. It is, literally, a classic brought to life.
The Little Mermaid arrives in theaters on May 26, 2023.