The Flash Writer on Ezra Miller’s Recent Allegations: “They Weren't Aggressive in Any Way"

Ezra Miller playing The Flash

Ezra Miller playing The Flash

The Flash star Ezra Miller has been the subject of major news headlines due to the countless disturbing allegations the actor is currently facing. Starting from a restraining order in Hawaii, Miller is now accused of harassing a 12-year-old non-binary child. More recently, the actor seemingly addressed these accusations by posting memes on his Instagram page, which he deleted just after a day.

With that said, Miller's upcoming outing as the Flash in his 2023 solo film is now in jeopardy as the actor remains in the spotlight for awful reasons. Fortunately, a writer from The Flash opens up about his pleasant experience working with the actor, and how he never saw Miller's aggressive side while working with him.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Grant Morrison — the former writer of The Flash, spoke about the recent controversies surrounding Ezra Miller ahead of his solo debut in 2023.

Morrison admitted that he hadn't spoken with Miller for a while, though the person that the recent headlines report about the actor is not the way he knew him. "I know they’ve had these problems. I haven’t spoken to him for a while, and the last time I spoke was long, long before this. All I can say is that it’s just not the person I know," Morrison said. "I’ve heard stories just like everyone else. I just don’t know. Ezra cut off contact from pretty much everyone for a while. It’s not the person they were. They weren’t aggressive in any way. I just thought Ezra was a super-intelligent kid with so many talents. So all I can say is that I didn’t see that side in any way with them."

Based on Morrison's comment, it looks like they've genuinely seen Miller as an incredibly talented actor, and these recent allegations surrounding the actor must be a total shock to them. Aside from that, it's good to know that Morrison still somehow supports Miller considering the countless allegations swirling around his name, and this comment might help fans see an opposite point of view that paints Miller as a professional actor.

Ezra Miller's future with The Flash franchise appears to be uncertain at this point, especially if these controversies continue. Nevertheless, let's hope that Miller could personally address these issues and could go back to his senses not just to secure his future in the DC franchise but mainly to save his whole career.

The Flash will hit the big screens on June 23, 2023.