Despite the incoming changes in the DCU franchise, The Flash is still expected to be a pivotal entry due to the exploration of the multiverse and it will also feature the return of Michael Keaton's Batman as well as other characters in the past DC films.
So far, the exact plot details regarding the film are still being kept under wraps except with the multiverse aspect and the appearances of multiple versions of The Flash which was already confirmed by the teaser that they released during the DC FanDome virtual event back in 2021.
Now, new information has emerged regarding the plot of the upcoming film. In a featurette that they recently released (via The Direct), director Andy Muschietti revealed that the film will feature a new version of the Justice League consisting of the two Flashes, Keaton's Batman, and Sasha Calle's Supergirl.
"We are presenting [a] Justice League that is not the powerful Justice League that we all know," he teased. "As Bruce Wayne said, it’s like a retired vigilante, a half-solar-powered alien, and two idiots."
In the same featurette, Jim Lee, Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics, also explained how essential the multiverse is to the story of The Flash.
"The great story at DC involves the Multiverse, meaning [there’s] an infinite number of Earths," he said. "There could be different versions of these characters and really explore different stories. The Flash is synonymous to the Multiverse."
Producer Barbara Muschietti also shared her excitement about bringing back characters such as both Ben Affleck and Keaton's versions of Batman and Michael Shannon's Zod from Man of Steel. She also confirmed that Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman is set to appear in the film.
It is interesting to hear that the film will feature a new version of the Justice League although perhaps it is all related to the plot and we can also assume that this iteration will only last throughout the film. It would be curious to see how it will all play out compared to the traditional Justice League that we know.
Also Read: The Flash Trailer Release Date Revealed
The Flash is slated for release in theaters on June 16. You can check more details about it here.