Director Matt Reeves' Batman reboot is now the second-highest-grossing film since the Covid pandemic has started coming behind Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: No Way Home. Following The Batman's box-office success, Reeves announced that two spinoffs will follow the film, one focused on Colin Farrell's The Penguin, and the other one focused on the Gotham PD. Both will premiere in the streaming service, HBO Max.
However, there seems to be a change of plans for the Gotham Police Department spinoff, from the core revolving around the city's police department, now reportedly shifts to the Arkham Asylum.
In an interview with The Cyber Nerds, director Matt Reeves revealed how the Gotham PD storyline changed.
“The GCDP thing, that story has story has kinda evolved. We’ve actually now [moved] more into the realm of exactly what would happen in the world of Arkham as it relates coming off of our movie, and some of the characters… almost leaning into the idea of… it’s like a horror movie or a haunted house that is Arkham. The idea, again the way that Gotham is a character in the movie, I really want Arkham to exist as a character. You go into this environment and encounter these characters in a way that feels really fresh. And so in our work on Gotham, that story started to evolve, and it started feeling [like], ‘Wait, we should really lean into this.' And then that’s kinda where that’s gone.”
In the ending of The Batman, we witnessed a brief interaction between Paul Dano's The Riddler and another mysterious inmate (Barry Keoghan) who is rumored to be the Joker for Reeves' Batverse. With this new shift on the Arkham Asylum as the core of the story, it would be ideal that either The Joker or The Riddler will reappear as villains.
Gotham PD also shifts into a Horror-genre, which sounds even more interesting considering how sinister The Joker and The Riddler are. Gotham PD will follow Jeffrey Wright as Detective Gordon helping the Police Department in Gotham's chaotic city.
The Batman is now showing in theaters.
Also Read: The Batman Post-Credit Scene Revealed, Rataalada Explained [SPOILER WARNING]