The Batman Post-Credit Scene Revealed, Rataalada Explained [SPOILER WARNING]

The Batman just premiered in theaters and it was another box office success for the DC universe. But if you stayed until the film's credits roll and expected a post-credit scene, disappointing right?

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Superhero films are known for having a post-credit scene, thanks to Marvel who introduced the concept of putting a teaser after the film rolled credits. For Justice League, Jared Leto's Joker teases an appearance for a sequel, in Suicide Squad, Waller meets Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne and teases The Justice League. However, for Matt Reeve's The Batman, when the credits finally stopped rolling, fans are generally disappointed.

Good news for the fans, because The Batman has a post-credit scene, not at the end of the film, but on The Riddlers website.

A little back story here, [SPOILER WARNING] When Detective Gordon and Bruce Wayne were unraveling the Riddler's clue, specifically to find the 'rat with a wing' is, rather than a bat, they thought it was The Penguin. While questioning The Penguin, they discovered that The Riddler gave them a URL that they missed.

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Good thing because you can solve The Riddler's riddles by yourself and solve the mystery of Gotham city's corrupt elite. While some riddles require you to watch The Batman first to solve the Riddle, some are easily guessable.

On March 2, the site surprisingly featured three riddles that were easy to solve:

Fear he who hides behind one. A mask.

What was new, is new again. Rebirth. Restoration. Reformation. Renewal.

I am first a fraud or a trick. Or perhaps a blend of the two. That's up to your misinterpretation. Confusion.

Once you successfully answered all the Riddles, you will be rewarded with a password-protected zip file entitled: What_Am_I, and the password-answer is 'a promise.'

The zip file contains a 2001 election campaign video of Thomas Wayne saying, "Instilled in both of us that giving back is not just an obligation, it’s a passion. That is our family’s legacy.” The video is edited by The Riddler himself and briefly features the word “HUSH!” and “THE TRUTH ABOUT GOTHAM!”

But that's not all, after you visit the Rataalada site after viewing the video, The Riddler will ask, “Do you think Thomas Wayne is a great man?” Selecting "N" will reward you with another teaser for the film and a message, "You're right to be untrusting of the rich and powerful. All who think they are great always hide secrets.”

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The new reward contains the Riddler’s Zodiac Killer-style cipher code that if you decipher, “A MAZE OF RIDDLES”, which also hides the Riddler's official sign-off on Rataalada, “You've successfully solved my maze of riddles. Keep your eyes peeled for my return."

While this is clearly a PR stunt for the film, we are still given clues with the footage and the image from The Riddler. From what we uncovered solving the riddle, The Riddler just confirmed that he will be back for a sequel, or possibly a spinoff.

The Batman is now showing in theaters worldwide.