Also known as Tesura Noto, Tesla Note is a Japanese manga series by Tadayoshi Kubo, Masafumi Nishia, and Kouta Sannomiya. The manga was serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine. As of this writing, it can be collected in individual volumes. Eventually, it was transferred to Magazine Pocket by August 2021 which is available in four volumes.
Kodansha USA acquired a license over the manga to release it in English in digital form. In October 2021, Gambit decided to adopt the series to an anime. The series made its premiere on October 3, 2021, and is available on Tokyo MX and BS11 in Japan.
Tesla Note Episode 10 Details
Episode ten of Tesla Note will be released on December 5, 2021. It is entitled, “A Consideration on Suspects”. Those who are residing outside Japan can stream the series on Funimation .If viewers have a membership on the platform, it would be better.
Speaking of membership, non-members should not be worried since Funimation offers a free trial period for 14 days. This will allow the viewers to watch their preferred show, as long as it is available on the site’s library, for free. But after the duration, viewers will have to register to continue watching. Funimation's rate is $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year.
Once they become a member, they can get tons of exclusive benefits like ad-free shows, access to the site’s libraries, and even simulcasts one hour after Japan. Take note that simulcasts are not available for non-members so they must wait for a couple of days to watch the series.
As for the English dubbed, Tesla Note does not have that version yet. Fans should not be disappointed as there is still a chance for a dubbed version to be released considering that Funimation offers dubbed versions of anime in its platform. For now, viewers will have to watch the series in English subtitles.