Tesla Note is an action and sci-fi anime that follows Botan Negoro, a ninja trainer. She then turned into a spy and joined Mission T with Kuruma to save the world. How will they do that? The team must recover Nikola Tesla's Shards of Tesla.
The mission won't be easy though as there are other evil spies after the shards. Botan and the team's journey will be an interesting story to anticipate as there is a lot to look forward to. Will they succeed or will the shards end up in the wrong hands? Fans will have to find out by streaming the series.
Where to Watch Tesla Note Anime: Is it on Netflix?
For now, the chances of Netflix streaming Tesla Note is slim. The streaming site did not mention anything about adding the series to its platform so fans will have to check out other sites that offer Tesla Note. Will Netflix never offer the series? We don't know for now. There are times wherein the streaming giant adds new series to its library after a few months so it might be good to wait for further announcement.
Where to Watch Tesla Note Anime: Is it on Crunchyroll?
Tesla Note is unfortunately not available on Crunchyroll. While this is a disappointing news, there are other titles to check on the site. Those who are new to Crunchyroll can watch the series for free as the site offers a free trial period.
Those who wish to become members of Crunchyroll, on the other hand, can subscribe and pay $9.99 per month. The membership can guarantee viewers access to Crunchyroll's library and watch their preferred shows without ads.
Where to Watch Tesla Note Anime: Is it on Funimation?
Those who are subscribed to Funimation can stream Tesla Note. While the site does not offer an English dub of the series for now, Tesla Note will be released with English subtitles for international fans. The streaming giant also offers a free trial period for first-time viewers to stream the series for free. Once the period is over, viewers must subscribe to continue watching.
Where to Watch Tesla Note Anime: Is it on Hulu?
Hulu did not confirm whether it will release Tesla Note or not on its platform. While this can be bad news for Tesla Note fans, Hulu has other titles to offer its viewers. The site has a huge library with interesting anime that anime fans will enjoy binge-watching.