Teru Momijiyama is the main protagonist of the anime series SHY, and she is known for her introverted nature. But does Teru have a love interest in SHY?
The SHY anime is based on the manga of the same name authored and illustrated by Bukimi Miki.
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Who Is Teru Momijiyama in SHY?
Teru, the titular main character of the story, was selected to become a hero representing Japan during her time at junior high school.
Her hero name is Shy and she lives up to the name as she grapples with an intense shyness that borders on being debilitating.
However, irrespective of the circumstance, Teru consistently perceives the goodness in others and dedicates herself to helping them in any way possible.
Her gentle nature often leads her to be unable to refuse others, earning her a reputation for never saying no.
She found herself agreeing to visit the calligraphy club solely to avoid seeming impolite by declining.
As a hero, she exhibits immense courage and is always ready to learn new techniques from her fellow hero friends.
But she is quite self-critical and it severely impacts her mental health. She struggles with low self-confidence, frequently questioning her capacity to save others.
After facing intense criticism for Iko’s severe injuries during the roller coaster mishap, Teru withdrew from public view for over a month.
She was convinced that the accusations against her were entirely accurate.
Does Teru Have a Love Interest in SHY?
Teru has a heart of gold, but interestingly, she doesn’t have any solid love interest in SHY. However, the series drops subtle hints that suggest Teru might be gay in SHY.
Iko and Teru’s bond kind of transcends the platonic friendship and is somewhere in the romantic realm.
Moreover, in SHY Chapter 30, they have transitioned to using each other’s first names.
In addition to Iko, she has experienced several romantic-like moments with other characters.
In one such instance, after a tense encounter with Amarariruku, Spirits attempts to soften the mood by pretending to kiss Teru.
Although it was just a jest and nothing more, Teru takes a while to overcome her Luminescent Blush.
Elsewhere, Teru also seems to have a moment with Ai in the story. Ai invites her to join her in the shower, and Teru’s reaction to it is rather ambiguous.
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So, Who Does Teru Momijiyama End Up With?
Since the Shy manga series is still ongoing and Teru doesn’t seem to have a steady romantic partner, it is difficult to predict who she will end up with.
Having said that, it is highly likely that Teru might explore romantic relations with Spirits or Iko.
Stay tuned as we will update this space as soon as the manga reveals more about Teru’s love interest.
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