Star Wars Fans are Choosing Babu Frik Over Baby Yoda

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

It's no secret that Baby Yoda has taken over the internet ever since he was introduced in the first episode of The Mandalorian. And while it seemed like Star Wars fans will never get over The Child, it looks like another adorable creature has taken his place.

This article contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Read at your own risk.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker just recently made its debut. It's truly an action-packed film that's full of surprises, but amidst all the battles and crazy scenes, Babu Frik eases the tension with his cute appearance and adorable voice.

When Finn and the rest of the gang went to Kijimi to ask for help from Zorii Bliss, she told them that Babu Frik would be the one that could make it possible. The creature lends help to the heroes by working his magic in being able to get C-3PO to translate an ancient Sith writing. The catch is, the droid will have its memory erased in the process.

When 3PO successfully translated what's written in the Sith dagger, he rebooted and introduced himself to the gang once again. No one answered back though, but the creature did. "I, Babu Frik," and it's probably the most adorable line ever. Star Wars fans can't seem to get over it as well, and might even chose Babu over Baby Yoda.

While some people might like Babu more than The Child, it's important to note that these characters have their own charm and it's just completely based on the fans' opinions. Clearly, both creatures are adorable in their own way.

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