Star Wars: Adam Driver Teases The Rise of Skywalker's Ambiguity

There is little doubt that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker means the end of the Skywalker Saga. However, there are things that aren't so easy to wrap up in the film. Adam Driver has just teased on the movie's ambiguity when it comes to tackling the characters' emotions.

Driver recently spoke to Cinemablend about The Rise of Skywalker and he confirmed that although he has thoughts on how the film explored Kylo Ren's storyline, he believes it is best left to the audience to decide.

"I don't want to shortchange it by saying what they are because I always feel that that's more exciting for an audience to attach meaning," Driver said. "And in a sense, it doesn't really matter what my opinion is. It's for an audience to project their own meaning towards. And luckily we had a script that honors ambiguity."

Driver then praised director J.J. Abrams and writer Chris Terrio for the way they created the script.

"They, I should say - Chris and J.J. - wrote something that is not always spelled out in the dialogue, which I love," he continued. "It's not characters saying exactly what they're feeling. It's a testament to or keeps in the tradition of the original movies. They're filled with so much ambiguity and moments that I guess literally don't make sense, but there's an emotional truth about them that makes an audience project meaning."

It's good to know that Driver had plenty of room to play around with on his portrayal of Kylo in The Rise of Skywalker. Needless to say, it's Kylo's story that is going to be quite interesting in Episode IX.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is currently screening in theaters worldwide.

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