The world mourned when Marvel legend Stan Lee died last year, but before that, news was rampantly coming out that he was having problems with his home life, with reports saying he was suffering greatly from elder abuse, either from his own daughter or his business partners. As it turns out, the LAPD have arrested Lee's ex-business manager Keya Morgan on accounts of elder abuse.
The LAPD said in a statement (via Deadline) that Morgan had allegedly embezzled or misappropriated $5 million of Lee's money. They wrote:
"Mr. Lee had a large estate worth over an estimated $50 million with no clear protection from opportunists who could insert themselves into his life and take control of it."
If you look at it, Morgan's abuse of Lee may have started when Lee's wife Joan died back in 2017. Morgan had apparently moved Lee out of his home and moved him into a location where he could further control him. The LAPD statement continues:
"Morgan removed Lee from his Hollywood Hills residence to a secured Beverly Hills condominium during the late night hours of June 8, 2018… Morgan was using this tactic to further deceive Lee into believing he was in danger and needed to be moved from his home to a more secured condominium where Morgan had more control over Lee."
With Lee being such a beloved figure in pop-culture, I'm sure Morgan has now found himself in the most wanted list when it comes to the fans. We don't know how all of this will turn out eventually, but hopefully Lee gets the justice he deserves.
See Also: Stan Lee's Former Manager Charged With Five Counts Of Elder Abuse